Cambyses Financial Advisors LLC
Investment, Financial, and Wealth Planning and Management
For Investors, Businesses, and Exempt Plans
Services for Exempt Organizations
Investment Management and Investment Advisory Services:
Cambyses offers portfolio administration and management tailored to the unique needs of Exempt Organizations and their Donors. We give full consideration to:
The Donors' Intent
Your Organization's Exempt Purposes
Your Responsibilities under:
- Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA),
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA),
Internal Revenue Code and Regulations, and
Their State variations
Your Risk Tolerance, Time Frame, and Investment Restrictions
The Organization or Project's goals and objectives,
Available resources.
Specific to Exempt Organizations
Cambyses Financial Advisors offers a suite of Portfolio Management, Financial Planning, and Program Development Services for your Organization's Reserves, Restricted, and Endowment Funds. With assistance from your counsel, we design, implement, and administer your portfolio assets and the campaigns necessary to fund them.
To fulfill your requirements, we employ a variety of technical, fundamental, quantitative, and qualitative analyses and deploy a full range of investment choices, strategies, and vehicles.
Our services address the requirements for managing a successful Endowment, Quasi-Endowment, or Reserve Fund. With assistance from your counsel (or ours) we establish
Board and Staff education and familiarization with fund concepts
Development and refinement of plan documents and procedures
Investment Committee Charter (or Board Delegation of Responsibility)
Gift and Restriction Acceptance (and Rejection) Policy
Endowment and Restricted Gift Contracts
Fund Investment Policy
Fund Spending or Disbursement Policy
Implementation of the Funding Campaign and the Fund
Choice of Administrators, Trustees, and Investment Advisors
Monitoring and Evaluating Investment and Fund Performance,
Documenting and Reporting Fund Performance
We cooperate with our strategic partners to supplement our offer with a comprehensive array of business and personal planning, management, governance, finance, insurance, legal, and tax solutions.